Analysis, stability, efficacy and safety.
We carry out chemical, microbiological, efficacy, stability and safety analyses.

44°12'41.8"N 12°04'22.6"E
Via Monteverdi 47/49/51 - 47122 Forlì (FC)
Our roots lie in the heart of the Wellness Valley , in Forlì , and our company has grown. We have fused modern scientific research with ancient herbal traditions, giving life to synergistic, functional and unique products. We take care of everything , from design to manufacturing, up to distribution.

Certainly, BEC operates in compliance with Law 675/1996 and its subsequent amendments and additions, and in particular with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and UEd Reg. 2016/679 regarding personal data and it is our duty to protect your data.
The purchased goods will be immediately prepared in our warehouses and picked up by the courier for delivery.
The courier's delivery times to the main locations (provincial capitals and large population centers) are around 1-2 working days, except in exceptional cases of force majeure such as: atmospheric events, strikes, etc.
For secondary locations, such as small-medium sized municipalities and main islands, delivery times are around 2-3 working days
For disadvantaged locations, very small towns, mountain locations, remote locations and smaller islands, deliveries will take place in 4-5 working days.
Shipments to the courier are made within 24 hours of the order excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
For all orders received from 2.00 pm on Friday until 8.00 am on Monday morning, shipments to the courier will be made at 3.00 pm on the same Monday.
If when checking the goods received you realize that something is missing from what you ordered and you have not received communications from us about goods that are temporarily unavailable, contact us immediately by writing an email to the following address: vendite@bec-natura.com
- You will be able to exercise the right of withdrawal and the guarantee of conformity of the products, as provided in the conditions of sale.
- If you receive defective products or, in any case, products that do not conform to the invoiced orders, you can request their replacement provided that the defect found is reported within the terms set out in the sales contract.
- Those who have purchased on the Site and who do not have the status of consumers will be subject to the guarantees for defects in the goods sold, the guarantee for defects in promised and essential qualities and the other guarantees provided for by the civil code with the relative terms, forfeitures and limitations.
- For all the hypotheses foreseen above, we remind you that the integrity of the goods to be returned is an essential condition for completing the return procedure. The goods to be returned must be sent to the registered office of the BEC SRL company, located in Forlì in via Monteverdi, 47/49/51 – 47122 Forlì (FC).
- If the Customer has exercised the right of withdrawal, he/she must return the product no later than the fifteenth day following receipt, by direct delivery and shipping by forwarding the product to BeC Srl c/o the office indicated above.
We do not perform animal testing for our products nor do we commission such testing from our suppliers. BeC guarantees the safety of use and effectiveness of BeC products through tests carried out exclusively on human volunteers, healthy and informed about the characteristics of the product and the test to be performed; furthermore, chemical checks are carried out on the raw materials before their use in a formulation and checks, both chemical and microbiological, on the finished product before being placed on the market. Current legislation prohibits testing on animals for cosmetic products or their ingredients, where alternative methods exist, validated by specific Commissions, capable of offering the consumer an equivalent level of protection. Before such methods were available, however, many cosmetic raw materials were tested on animals by the raw material manufacturer itself, to ensure its safety of use. BeC is committed to avoiding the use of these raw materials as much as possible. The attention that BeC pays to respecting animals and combating animal testing in every way is demonstrated by its membership of the Qualità Vegetariana® brand. To find out more, visit the Qualità Vegetariana® website
The capsules used as a shell in dietary, pharmaceutical or herbal products are normally made of gelatin, a substance that can be obtained from various sources, of which the most common and economical is animal. Animal skins and bones are rich in collagen, a water-soluble protein from which gelatine is obtained, with particular technologies, a substance without taste or smell, which is widely used in foods, such as gelatinous desserts, bakery, meat , ice cream, dairy products for their ability to thicken, gel, reduce humidity, etc. Gelatin is also present in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations. The capsules used in BeC supplements, however, are made of hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), a substance of vegetal origin, which is obtained from pine wood pulp and cotton fiber and which does not contain components of animal origin. Compared to gelatin capsules, the vegetable ones are a little more opaque, but still transparent, they are more delicate and expensive, but guarantee less reactivity with the compounds inside and greater stability of those active ingredients which are very sensitive to waterfall. Some studies have also shown that the release of the active ingredients of the capsule in the stomach is the same between vegetable gelatine (HPMC) and traditional animal gelatine. Finally, they are also suitable for vegetarian diets or also accepted by those who, for religious reasons, cannot consume foods of animal origin: these capsules are in fact approved by the Vegetarian Society and have a Kosher certificate.
According to a study published by the North American Contact Dermatitis Group (NACDG) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) , cosmetics are responsible for contact dermatitis in only 5.4% of cases. Despite the small number compared to the total, it cannot absolutely be said that cosmetics are free from causing allergies and this is because there are no substances that are certainly non-allergenic (allergenic = capable of causing allergies) for all subjects. Allergic reactions are in fact individual and difficult to predict events: to arrive at an absolute guarantee it would be necessary to test each cosmetic individually on all its users! Obviously this is not possible. What can be done to protect the customer and provide him with a safe product is to test the skin compatibility of the products on a significant number of healthy individuals, in order to exclude that the product is harmful or irritating for the majority of users in normal conditions. 'use. To ensure greater safety, these tests can be performed in a drastic way, that is, using conditions of exposure to the product that are much more massive than those the consumer will ever be able to achieve. One way, used by BeC, to achieve this is the so-called " Patch Test ", in which the product is applied (on the back or forearm) and occluded (sealed) on the skin via an aluminum capsule glued to the skin by means of a water resistant patch. In this way the product is kept in forced contact with the skin for a long period - usually 48 hours - at the end of which the patch is removed and both visual and instrumental assessments are carried out to ensure complete skin compatibility of the product. For BeC, however, the patch test is only the last act dedicated to the production of a safe product; in fact, safety begins to be built at the moment of formulation and choice of raw materials!
Since 1997, cosmetics placed on the market within the European Union must include a list of ingredients on the label according to the INCI (International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient) system: in this way consumers receive uniform information on the ingredients contained in cosmetics. With the VII amendment to the Cosmetics Directive (Directive 2003/15/EC) the obligation was introduced starting from 11 March 2005 to indicate on the label, within the list of ingredients, the presence of one or more of 26 substances identified by the SCCP (Scientific Committee for products intended for consumers of the European Union). These substances, synthetic or natural, are present above all in perfumes, but also in essential oils that are used in cosmetic products. In general, substances used in cosmetics and perfumes, including the 26 substances, are considered safe based on tests that exclude the possibility of unwanted reactions in the majority of consumers, but since the allergic reaction is an individual event these new labeling provisions they want to be a further help for allergic individuals, to make the most informed choice.
Dry extracts are raw materials that are obtained by extraction from the parts of the plant (called drugs) in which the active ingredients are contained and represent the most effective and safest way to benefit from their properties. The drug taken as it is or in the form of infusions does not represent a sufficient guarantee of quality and safety for the consumer, because the real content of active ingredients is not known from both a qualitative and quantitative point of view. For this reason, in the formulation of its products, BeC uses titrated dry extracts, i.e. with a declared and guaranteed quantity of an active ingredient or a group of active ingredients with similar structure and activity; these extracts are reported on the supplement label together with the declared title. When market availability does not allow it, extracts are used for which the "extract/drug (E/D)" ratio is reported. This ratio represents the kg of plant (or part of plant) used to obtain 1 kg of dry extract: for example, if an extract/drug ratio of 1/4 is indicated, it means that 4 kg are used to obtain 1 kg of extract. of plant (drug). In both cases (titrated extracts or those indicating the E/D ratio) you have the certainty of a raw material obtained with a reproducible and always the same, i.e. standardized, preparation method; furthermore, the use of extracts is certainly a guarantee of analytical and microbiological controls on the raw material, less variability in composition and is in any case a way to have a much higher active ingredient content than that present in the starting plant.
The VII amendment to Directive 76/768/EEC introduced the obligation to indicate the so-called PaO (Period after Opening) on the label, with the aim of improving the information provided to consumers. In particular, the following symbol is shown on cosmetic products (both in primary and secondary packaging): graphic symbol indicating the months in which the product does not lose its effectiveness after opening the package. This means that the product will keep its characteristics unchanged functional and its safety for the period (in months) corresponding to the number reported, which in the example is 36 months. This duration (36 months in the example) therefore does not refer to the expiry of the product, but to the maximum period of time that can pass from the first opening of the product.
Qualità Vegetariana® is a brand created by a group of professionals, with the aim of giving those who choose vegetarianism as a lifestyle choice, a quality recognized and guaranteed, by those who fight and can give their contribution of 30 years of experience in the sector . The Qualità Vegetariana® brand intends to be a synonym of professionalism and commitment. It will be obtained by all those conscious and ethical professionals and companies that identify with the objectives of the brand, guaranteeing all the parameters of respect and defense of the animal world. In order to facilitate the recognisability and identification of the Vegetarian or Vegan product by consumers, "Vegetarian" is defined as a product which excludes the use of animal-derived products obtained through killing, mistreatment and/or intensive exploitation of animals. According to the brand's philosophy, GMO products are not allowed. To find out more, visit the Qualità Vegetariana® website
FSC certification, Forest Stewardship Council, is the main guarantee mechanism on the origin of wood or paper. This is an international certification system that guarantees that the raw material used to make a wood or paper product comes from responsibly managed forests, where rigorous environmental, social and economic standards are respected.